
Fraud check is the tectonic part of the service audit. It helps to investigate customer service and employee honesty at a business. Here, the typical service auditor needs to investigate the entire location. They will often:

  • Purchase something
  • Ask questions
  • Ask customer service for support
  • Note the quality of items post-purchase
  • Check location is free from dirt or stain.

Secret shoppers will then use the information they have gathered to report the reliability of employees and the overall success of the business. Finally, cross-check the entire information which was provided by the shopper.


Fraud check is evidently increasing growth, and they play a vital role in business. The process should be performed properly and thoroughly. It improves the company’s reputation with high-quality, reliable verification. It is so important to fraud check all the information and we use every available source.

What did we do?

Once the report gets completed by the shopper, we need to cross-verify the information from all perspectives. Here, we need to use all the resources. Resources can be pictures, videos, and audio. From this, we can evaluate the shopper performance as well as the store standard.


While reviewing the report, we faced lots of challenges. Some of the images were not supported. Even the quality of the picture was inadequate. In most cases, the data provided in the reports were insufficient.


To solve these problems, we use lots of solutions. The first and foremost step was to cross-verify the provided information with the previous data. With the available information on Google, we used to validate the information given in the survey.


The fraud check plays a vital role in the process. It helps to maintain the quality. Cross-verification is a crucial part of the development of the company. It is so important to cross-check our information at all times and to use every available source. A crossed check can safeguard against fraud in all the processes.